If you are an extend visa student, then you will need to lodge a student visa application, if your current student visa is expiring and your studies have not yet finished. The reason of delay of your studies could be delay from the institution, you reduced your workload for a term, you have failed some units and redo them again. To extend your visa, you will need to lodge a new application. The complexity in student visa extension comes from your academic progress and progression. Therefore, the application process needs to be carefully handled.
The application for student visa extension is lodged in the same way as application for a new student visa is lodged. However the supporting documentation required for the application will depend upon your current circumstances; such as units of study left, academic performance and progression.
You must apply for student visa before your current student visa expires. When you apply for student visa application, you will be granted a bridging visa that will keep you lawful in Australia, for as long as your student visa application is under processing. If you fail to apply for the student visa before your current student visa expires, then you will become unlawful in Australia.
An unlawful person is a person who is not an Australian citizen or Permanent resident, and remains in Australia without a valid visa. Unlawful non citizens are subject to detention and deportation, the costs of which are recoverable from the non citizen.
The application fees for student visa extension are A$650 for primary applicant, A$485 for secondary applicant who is above 18 years of age, A$160 for secondary applicant who is less than 18 years of age. If this is your first application for a temporary visa while being in Australia then you wont be charged 'Subsequent Temporary Application Charge', otherwise A$700 of additional application charge for each of the applicant will be applicable. Get more information contact us